
“As long as you’re gonna be thinking anyway, think big.”

Really, though. As long as you are going to think, might as well think big. As humans we are always thinking, but not always thinking big. There a few steps to help achieve success and think big. The first, being okay with not being okay.

It is absolutely okay to not be okay, it’s okay to know that you are going to fall down. If you weren’t making mistakes, that would mean that you aren’t even trying! You didn’t just fail, you’ve simply found a few ways that did not work. So when you fall, you didn’t lose, you learned. You learned of a new way to NOT do something and what’s wrong with that? Nothing. You are great. You are powerful. You are successful.

The second, set your goals. You don’t need to dream big, just think it. You just need to set the right goals, at a steady pace that leads you to success. You can’t just look to be at such a high level that you end up miserable and unsatisfied. And that’s totally okay, set goals that benefit you in the most positive way. “Don’t set yourself up for disappointment by setting ambiguously huge goals” (Michael Port, author of The Think Big Manifesto).

Always find the right mentors and colleagues to surround you. The happier people are around you, the happier you will be, and the more successful. The best type of people to surround yourself with are the people who are honest with you. The more honest they are (and yourself), the better chances you have at seeking success. If you ask for advice or how something looks to a colleague, and they’re completely honest with you and tell you if its good or if it honestly sucks, good for them and good for you. Usually when we ask people to look at something with us, we are seeking approval from bigger company, so we have to be okay with hearing criticism.

And lastly, be easy to work with. Be someone that others want to be around, and who want to help you. Be pleasant, work hard, ambitious, and happy. Your attitude is everything here, success isn’t just all about you, it’s about others, too. Understand that you’re never alone in your journey, people will want to help and be around you, if you allow them.

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